Just Cause lacks functional public transport. Let's change that with some buses.
This article is mostly assembled by User:GMRE, but feel free to link here for your own projects any time. Also, this is the only bus gallery, feel free to add bus pictures.
Remember the buses, taxis, and public transport we've already had? How about if the many available buses actually had like 20+ usable seats and they actually stopped at some normal bus stops and pick up / dispatch passengers? How hard could that be? GTA 2 has that, but the only 3D open world game with it is Mafia 1, or 2.
The closest thing to functional public transport that we've had in the Just Cause Universe is in San Esperito, where pedestrians in cities can often run over to stopped cars and get into the vacant passenger seats. Unfortunately they never get in Rico's car (maybe that's actually good?), but at least Rico can do it to other vehicles.
Taxis could always spawn among normal traffic where they, like the rest of normal traffic, would at times have / not have passengers. But taxis alone are not good enough, so as explained above, let's make use of the buses and bus stops! See the gallery below for what might make interesting vehicles.