Just Cause Fan Fiction Wiki
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Current Operation Indigo poster.

DISCLAIMER: This does NOT exist elsewhere, only on this wiki.

"You're in for a threat..."

- Tagline.

"What doesn't kill you, already did..."

- Tagline for Act III

There will be a tagline for Act VI.

Operation Indigo is a fan fiction project created by User:IndigoApocalypse1502.

See also: Maps (Operation Indigo).


While the idea for this project started back in 2017, the idea for it being a Just Cause entry came shortly after Los Demonios came out. This was because the user thought that if a supernatural plot can work as a DLC, it could possibly work as a main entry. Originally, this project was planned to be a fanon game, but it was changed to a TV show when the user found it hard to put Chapter 4's content in a game.

Random facts[]

Operation Indigo logo

Placeholder logo for the project.


This acts as Just Cause 6, taking place after Just Cause 5. The logo hints at this, with the number in Roman numerals being indigo-colored.

The new enemy faction made its first appearance in Armed and Dangerous. Also, the main antagonist is on the officer's phone in Hanging Water, having him arrest Tom and Rico. Later on, in Booming Business, the antagonist is inferred to have been contacted by a member of the enemy faction.


In Interference, satellite footage was messed with. Later in the same mission, multiple people, including Mira, Rico, Tom, and Brook, started a journey to the new area. This journey is detailed in Indigo Skies.

In Welcome Back, Deliwu is introduced, along with Uzveld Dlevzu.

In Operation Indigo Briefing, the operation itself is officially started. Also, the nation is formally introduced, along with Uzveld Dlevzu and Hem do Zhein. The objective is also clarified, to topple Uzveld.

When a title card is complex enough for me, I usually separate the focus between three parts: Assets; Background; and Title. These are not always in that order.


While Adele and the Federal Communications Commission are painted as antagonists, they are still only doing their jobs.

There are four sides to the story, they are just not clarified yet. However, these sides will relate to the central theme.

There will be an overview for Act V, as it will be the first one to have a focus.


For mainland Deliwu, I will aim to make the landmarks more spread out.

Other projects[]

I have another project in the Watch Dogs Fanon Wiki called Grey Area in the Bay Area. Once said project is completed, the next mission for Act IV will be released. The title cards will be worked on from November 21st to 23rd.


The series (including Code Indigo) will follow the rules of the original series, but some rules may be added, which will be listed here for convenience.

  1. Real locations must not get their own page, unless they are different in some way. Lack of inhabitants does not count.
  2. Unless absolutely necessary or already established in the canon universe, two canon characters should never be in a romantic relationship.
  3. Dimah Umar al-Masri will not be resurrected, as that would nullify the impact of what happened to her in Just Cause 3. This applies to other deceased characters, too.


These missions are in chronological order. Ones with a parenthesized number next to them are usually half-hour specials, but can sometimes be 10, 20, 7, or 23 minutes long. If a mission does not have a number next to them, they are 15 minutes long.

See all at Category:Operation Indigo Missions.

Act I: Exposition[]

Chapter 0[]

This chapter reunites Mira Morales, Rico Rodriguez, and Tom Sheldon.

Chapter 1[]

This chapter focuses on setting up the operation.

Chapter 2[]

This chapter introduces Deliwu, Hem do Zhein, Operation Indigo (officially) and Uzveld Dlevzu.

Chapter 3[]

This chapter introduces Izzy and Sadiyah Gaddafi and almost completely brings the operation to square one.

Chapter 4[]

This chapter focuses on Garland King and events she sets up.

Chapter 5[]

This chapter sets up the adventures planned by Garland King Studios and Shadebridge Animation.

Act II: Seasons and Stupefaction[]

Season 1[]

This is the first season in Code Indigo.

Season 2[]

This season aims to expand the worlds with new locations, characters, items, and more.

Season 3[]

This season mostly focuses on relevance.


This collection of archived footage, which shows what each main character (and a few side characters) has(ve) been doing since the cancelation of Code Indigo.

  • Archive #1: Where It Ends (~15)
  • Archive #2: Plain Sight (~30)
  • Archive #3: Fall In Love (~30)
  • Archive #4: Something in the Orange (~15)

Post-Archive Section[]

This section is a transition between the Archives and Act III.

Act III: Chaos, Control, and Consequence[]

This act will have storyline missions and side missions, and begins after Much To Do About Nothing. Side missions are generally not directly connected to the main story, but may still have some importance.

Also, unlike the previous two, this act will not have subsections (i.e. Chapters, Seasons, Archives). However, this act is internally known as Chapter 6, which is evident in the mission numbering.

There will be a war starting early on in this act, named the Mahogany War. This ended up starting in Marco Solo.

This act was planned to have around 50 missions, but the events in Executive Decisions split the act in half, with the latter half being part of Act IV.

Act IV[]

This act is internally known as Chapter 7, which is evident in the mission numbers.

Act V: Onus[]

This act will focus on the onuses. Certain missions will also feature mainland Deliwu and there will be no side missions as each one contributes to the plot in some way.

Act overview:

"Now that Garland passed the torch to Cameron, even if it was due to recent developments, he must come to terms with his newfound responsibility. The first order of business? He has no clue. All he knows is that he must take what coming to him.

While he does that, 15 characters (him included) have their own responsibilities in the form of onuses."

The missions after Redeem Code may be more spread out.

At least 35 more on the way, with there easily being much more planned as the story progresses. No more than 50 will be listed on my reserved missions document.


See all at Category:Operation Indigo Characters.



Pre-existing from outside the Just Cause Universe[]


All of this is fancasting, so no real casting was done. Anyone can suggest a voice actor for any of the undecided characters:

The following have no fancasted voice actor:

  • Agosto Velasquez
  • Brook Warren
  • Charlie Kercheval
  • Edward Eads
  • Gorgona Warden
  • Grinch
  • Hem do Zhein
  • Jasper Lexington
  • Justice Kercheval
  • Madi
  • Missing Associate
  • Monster
  • Mún Warden
  • Nancy
  • Narrator
  • Nutennais
  • Park Ranger
  • Pilot (no speaking role)
  • Priestess
  • Qonr
  • Roane Owens
  • Rong
  • Sadiyah Gaddafi
  • Trailer park owner
  • Valeria
  • Van Driver
  • Vfen Taso
  • Wright
  • Xévir
  • Zhuinella
  • Zún




See all at Category:Locations in Operation Indigo.

See all maps here (Work in Progress)

Locations marked with a star are technically not a part of any province (only applies for the Deliwu subsection).

Outside of Deliwu[]

Inside Deliwu[]




Inzítotl (Disambiguation)

Inzítotl Oez:[]









Ex's and Oh's - Elle King (Rough Lees)

Firestarter - Torre Florim (Wrecking Havoc)

Happy Birthday (Special Deliwury)

Indigo Theme (theme tune of the show, starting in Rough Lees)

Lights Down Low - Max Schneider (Lights Down Low)

Mrs. Roberts' Community Theme - (Fantastical Delusions)

Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (Unwanted Detention)

You Are My Sunshine - Jimmie Davis (hummed in My Sunshine)

See List of production music in Operation Indigo for more.


Vehicle Manufacturers[]

Weapons, Drones, and Gear[]





  • This is the first fan fiction to be repurposed as a television series (albeit one that is unlikely to release).
  • This is also the first fan fiction with the title starting with the letter "O".
  • This is the first Just Cause entry (excluding other fan fictions) to:
    • not have Just Cause in the title.
    • not show the new nation in the first mission.
    • not feature Rico in every mission.
    • feature a flashback as a full mission. Previous missions that featured flashbacks only used them in cutscenes.
    • be sectioned as Chapters.
    • not feature the main enemy faction in the first mission in any way.
    • not feature the main antagonist in the first mission in any way.
    • feature outer space formally. The moons in Just Cause 4 were scaled down replicas.
    • not be set during a civil war (it's a different type of war, I just don't know what it is yet).
  • This is the first Trivia created by IndigoApocalypse1502 to have sub-headings.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • The "Indigo" portion of the title references the user's favorite color.
  • This project has been through over five years of development (as of January, 2024), with various nation names, layouts, cut characters, cut mission ideas, and cut concepts.
  • The original idea of the project was that there were multiple gods and goddesses in Deliwu, each representing a basic concept. This was scratched due to the complexity being too much.
  • Before Operation Indigo, there was no official title given to the project.
    • The unofficial title was "The Story of Deliwu"


  • The indigo portion of the logo is the number 6 in Roman numerals. This references this being the 6th entry, as it takes place long after Just Cause 5.
  • The reason Indigo Theme is referred to as a theme tune is because it is not a song, it is a short tune.
  • This is currently the longest page created by User:IndigoApocalypse1502.
  • The operation itself has not officially began until Operation Indigo Briefing.
  • The glasses on the flag in the Chapter 1 banner are Adele's.
  • The tagline is a pun on the phrase "you're in for a treat."
  • Despite some title card's showing animated versions of characters, the show itself is in the same animation as Just Cause 4. This changes in Chapter 5, where they do become animated.
  • Currently, Chapter 0 is the only chapter without a half-hour special.
  • This is the second fan fiction project to take place in the 2030s, with Heat Level 6 being the first.
  • Since this is set in the same universe as the main series (albeit fanonically), certain gameplay elements will be introduced at some point.
  • Chapter 3 is the only chapter without a mission title consisting of one word.


  • The "acts" are meant to separate the major sections of the story:
    • Act I contains Chapters 1 through 5.
    • Act II contains Seasons 1 through 3, the Archives, and the Post-Archive Section.
    • Act III has no subsections, but I internally count it as Chapter 6.
    • Just Cause 3 was sectioned with three acts, one for each major region. I drew inspiration from that.
  • There may end up being mission icons for Act III: Chaos, Control, and Consequence. If so, those icons may be put in both Deliwu (Nation) and this article.
  • There may also end up being "prerequisites" in certain missions now that the world has been fully oppressed.
  • The main storyline mission icon was inspired by the mission icon in Just Cause 3.
  • The idea to add a locations heading to missions came when I was browsing the Hazbin Hotel Wiki.
  • The missions from Marco Solo to Conflicting Unrest were given their placement back when Settlemental was almost finished.
  • The Act III/Chapter banner contains the number 6 as a curled hair on the beard.


Operation Indigo[]

Code Indigo[]

Act III[]
