This is User:GMRE's list of locations for future Just Cause games.
I'm sure we've all seen the artworks for Medici (Just Cause 3). Here's a few real locations that would surely be at least as epic.
Feel free to use these pictures in your own works of fiction to minimize the need for duplicate pictures.
Expect this to slowly grow into a massive gallery of epic locations.
In JC3, go to the trigger for the "Mountain pass sprint" race and start driving towards the Cava Montana mine. That road is pretty much this road.
Strange that we had cable cars in JC1 and JC2, but not in JC3 where we have more steep mountains.
San Esperito kind of already is in this region. Only Spain invested so heavily into protecting its remote areas. At that time they anticipated a major war with England.
Notice how dense the forest is. Imagine driving an ATV up that river. Or how about Rico lands a parachute near there and stops to fill his water bottle with the presumably very clean water from there.
Looks like most of Medici. Notice the small ancient ruins on the mountain and the fact that the town is surrounded by defensive wall.
Pictures added by User:QWTF spy[]
Pictures added by User:Anonymous230385[]