Just Cause Fan Fiction Wiki

Deliwu (pronounced Duh-lee-woo or Deh-lee-woo) is the fictional nation in which Operation Indigo takes place.

Not much is known about this location, but information will be revealed over time.

Info summary[]


The flag.

This nation is barely known by any foreigners, so it is not popular on the outside. However it is infamous on the inside, as it is the home to a currently unknown faction.

The nation is ruled by Uzveld Dlevzu, who practically owns everyone as if they are their property. They are commonly referred to as a man, as they bear physical and behavioral traits of a male. It is unknown if there was a former faction to the current one, but if there was, it was replaced by this new enemy faction. There seems to also be no court system, as Uzveld controls everything and no one is strong enough or courageous enough to stand up to them. This means anyone cam be imprisoned for no reason if requested.

The capital is Xite Deliwu, somewhat sharing the namesake of the nation and province it resides in. Its position in the nation is currently unknown.

The demonym for the people of Deliwu is Deliwa.


Since Deliwu is a lawless nation ruled by a careless character, it falls under tyranocracy, a made-up government type. It is unknown how they received power, but judging by his behavior it can be assumed he attained it through illegal means.


It is the furthest known location in the universe, being just outside the Big Bang's reach. If one wants to reach it, it is currently just off the Northwest edge of the observable universe.

Be warned before entering, though, as whoever enters will experience weird side effects, one of which is morphing with other inhabitants of the vessel that is entering. This can easily be countered because of the unpredictable nature of the region.


Locations marked with a star (*) are not within the boundaries of a province.


Alley Sanctuary

Deliwu Zentrtún

Filaq Heimaj

Hervír Fujetíva'

Ilo Ezíl*

Salirosa Rift*

Tuore Dlevzu

Xite Deliwu



Ez Internment Camp

Mún Forward Camp

Núroez Internment Camp

Pírxun Mún

Zúroez Internment Camp


Filaq Roa

Filaq Vrij

Menuo Diqéuí

Xite Qesinu


Aldíra Tuntr


Calanque Camp

Cape Camp

Cay Camp

Cove Camp

Hem's Warehouse

Refugee Camp

Xembunite Mine



These descriptions are from the Operation Indigo Briefing (video).


"This is the capital of the nation, but unlike most other capitals, everyone is in poverty."


"This is the prison province, holding anyone Uzveld wants."


"This is where the wealthy reside, spending their fortunes wherever and whenever."


"This is where refugees hide from the ruler. Too scared to stand up, or so smart to stand down?"


Has no description due to its destruction.

Unique Properties[]

The nation has a few oddities with how it works. These include, but are not limited to the following.


Both water-breathing and air-breathing creatures can breathe the air.

It is made of something that has inconsistent consistency, as it can both act like water and air. This substance has so far not been revealed by its official name (blue liquid is clearly not one).


Instead of orbiting around a star, Deliwu orbits around the universe.


  • This is the first nation for a few things (excluding other fanon nations):
    • The first nation to be outside Earth.
    • The first nation to have an unpredictable nature.
  • Out of the explorable nations in the canon Just Cause series, Medici is the only other nation to start with a letter from the first half of the alphabet (A-M)
  • Most of the legend icons are based on map icons from Just Cause 3 and 4:
    • The city icon is based on the city icon from MapGenie's map for Just Cause 4 with the only major difference being the buildings sit on a hill instead of in a valley like the website (either that or the map website I used cut off some parts).
    • The harbor icon is based on the sea race icon from Just Cause 3.
    • The prison icon is based on the detention camp icon from Just Cause 3's Mech Land Assault DLC.
    • The village icon is based on the town icon from Just Cause 4, which looks similar to the village icon from Just Cause 3.





Light blue icon means the settlement is either liberated or allied. Indigo outline means it is oppressed. Grey outline means it is neutral.
